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5 December | 21.30 | Sala 2

Directed by: M. Deborah Farina
Starring: Luciano Barbarisi, Enrico Beniamino De Notaris, Adolfo Ferraro
Year: 2022
Country: Italia
Running Time: 30’
Produced by: Bardefè – Teatro del Contrattempo; Afrakà; Selfmade Film
Plot: Three elderly and surreal travelers, relying on the vision of the comet, are in search of the Cave of Bethlehem. Like modern “Magi” wise man, they enter into countryside spaces, city stairways, spaces out of time, with characters from parallel worlds that are sometimes visible, others not, in a sort of journey of redemption from their ineptitude and small normality, lived until that time. The search for the star that can guide them on their journey, whose vision they will constantly lose, will culminate in the place of arrival, in which the three will arrive late, but aware that they have nevertheless completed the journey. Background to everything, the figure of time and its inexorable flow.

A meeting with the author will follow


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