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Cinema Partenio | sala 3 | at 5.30pm

Directed by: Alessandra Cutolo

Starring: Confort Samuel, Nicola Sechi, Abay Girma

Year: 2023

Country: Italia

Running Time: 72’

Produced by: Gianluca Arcopinto

Plot: Towards the end of Prenestina in Rome, where the road culminates, stands an enormous mirrored edifice towering like a spaceship or a phantom vessel. It is an ol, long-abandoned hotel that has been occupied for some time. Over the years, this microcosm has become a convergence point for hundreds of families from every corner of the southern world, each carrying with their own baggage of hopes, sorrows, and children. That former hotel serves as the backdrop to a rich, tragic and joyful intersection of destinies. Mama Mercy has too many children and a husband who offers little support. Every day she walks together with the intrepid and anxious dozens of other occupying mothers – Ethiopian, Sudanese, Moroccan – each struggling to secure a dignified future for their children. Mama Mercy’s dream would be to have an extra room, allowing her family to “expand” beyond the few square meters that were assigned to them. The towering block represents a city within the city, where solidarity, competition, hardships, and nobility intertwine.


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