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Submissions officially open for three competition categories: “Laceno d’Oro 49”, “Gli occhi sulla città”, “Spazio Campania- Chiara Rigione”

49. Laceno d’Oro – International Film Festival
December 1st-8th 2024

Submissions officially open for three competition categories:
“Laceno d’Oro 49”, “Gli occhi sulla città”, “Spazio Campania- Chiara Rigione”

Online notices at: e

Deadline: September 12, 2024

Laceno d’Oro International Film Festival, the renowned film festival of Avellino, issues the notices for the three competition categories and announce the dates for the 49th edition (December 1-8, 2024).

Registration for the contests is available on the international platform and on the official festival website; deadline is September 12, 2024.

There are three sections: the three international competitions Laceno d’Oro 49, for fiction feature films or “cinema del reale” and documentaries; Gli occhi sulla città, specific for short films exploring urban spaces, environment, and landscape; the third competition is specific for works created by authors from Campania or set in the Campania region, Spazio Campania “Chiara Rigione,” dedicated to the young and talented director from Irpinia who passed away prematurely. The movies which will compete in the three categories will be selected by a panel of expert judges including artists and professionals in the field.

The winning works will receive a prize of €3000 for Laceno d’Oro 49 section, €1500 for Gli occhi sulla città, and €1000 will be awarded to the best film in Spazio Campania.

Two additional prizes will be awarded by a special panel including members of the audience: Best Film Laceno d’Oro 49 and Best Film Spazio Campania, the prize consisting in a work of art by an artist from local artists, chosen by professors from the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples.Laceno d’Oro International Film Festival is organized by the Circolo ImmaginAzione of Avellino, chaired by Antonio Spagnuolo, with the artistic direction by Maria Vittoria Pellecchia, and Aldo Spiniello who will be in charge of the whole program.


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