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All the winners of the Laceno d’oro 2020!

Si è conclusa l’edizione 2020 del Laceno d’oro International Film Festival. Here are all the winners and reasons for prizes and special mentions!

The 2020 edition of the Laceno d’oro International Film Festival has ended. Here are all the winners and reasons for prizes and special mentions!
“Laceno d’oro 45” award for best feature film “School day” by Mauro Santini. The film, which won a prize of Euro 3,000, is the story of a day of the pupils of the primary school of Pieve Torina, in the Marche region, one year after the earthquake in October 2016 which caused the almost complete destruction of the town. . The motivation: “A documentary that captures the naturalness of the looks, emotions, commitment and playful pleasure of children, even in the place that most governs feelings. But this is also a “non-documentary” because, with the same naturalness of gaze, the director, after leaving the command post, gets involved in the collective game of imagination “. [A documentary that captures the naturalness of the sights, emotions, commitment and children’s pleasure of playing, even in the place that most controls their feelings. But this is also a “non-documentary” because, with the same natural sight, the director, after leaving the chief role, gets involved in the collective game of imagination].
Among the feature films there are also two special mentions.
“Red moon tide” di Lois Patiño (Spagna), with the following motivation: “The sea is a force that has inspired countless tales and legends. With the changing climate, however, the myths and stories seem futile. The gap between what has been and what we feel is the future is paralyzing society and even those few heroes who have managed to save people from the sea in the past are disappearing. This film is the picture of life in a beautiful and dangerous place, a mystical poem, a warning with the appearance of an old tale and dreams from the future ”. [Sea is a force that inspired countless tales and legends. With the changing climate, however, those myths and stories seem futile. The gap between what we’ve experienced and what we feel the future will bring is paralizing society, and even those few heroes who managed to save people from the sea in the past are disappearing. This film is a portrait of life in a beautiful and dangerous place, a mystical poem, a warning in the guise of an old tale and dreams from the future]. AND “La casa è di chi la Abita – Porta Pia occupata” di Luis Fulvio (Italia), “For the political urgency of his intentions and his ‘alien’ gaze on the city, for the way he was able to tell, from the inside, the dynamics and stories of a housing occupation, a possible place in another way to live and share the issues of the present “. [For the political urge of his intentions and his “alien” gaze on the city; for the way it tells, from the inside, the dynamics and the stories of a housing occupation, a possible place for another way of living and sharing the issues of our time].
Assegnato anche il Premio del Pubblico, grazie alla votazione su MYmovieS, e vinto da “Identifying Features” di Fernanda Valadez (Messico/Spagna).
Arriva dalla Cina, invece, il vincitore del “Laceno d’oro doc”, la sezione dedicata ai documentari a cui va un premio di Euro 1.500. È “Irregular world” di Jing Luo, ambientato nel pronto soccorso di un ospedale Covid, che racconta la vita e le preoccupazioni dei medici, dei pazienti e dei loro familiari. La motivazione: “Una giovane regista impiega un approccio tecnico ideale per metterci nella posizione in cui molte persone si trovano oggi, utilizzando in modo creativo la musica e il sound design per portarci, con uno sguardo potente, in un viaggio dal thriller all’horror, al dramma, alla tragedia in una storia di un ospedale Covid in Cina ”. [A young filmmaker employs an ideal technical approach to put us in the position that many people in are today, creatively using music and sound design to take us on a journey from thriller to horror to drama to tragedy in a powerfully observed story of a Covid hospital in China].
Menzione speciale per “Il monte interiore” di Michele Sammarco (Italia), con la seguente motivazione: “Un film apparentemente semplice, ma sviluppato in modo eccellente, che senza riserve ci mostra un rapporto tenero e inaspettato nella migliore tradizione del neorealismo”. [An apparently simple, but excellently executed film that wholeheartedly shows us a warm and unexpected relationship in the best tradition of neorealism].
Sono due, a pari merito, i migliori cortometraggi per il premio “Gli occhi sulla città”, sezione sul tema degli spazi urbani, dell’ambiente e del paesaggio, che si aggiudicano un premio di Euro 1.500.
Dal Brasile “Drift” di Flora Nakazone: “Per aver mostrato immagini che non le appartengono come se le avesse girate sotto forte ispirazione. Per aver giocato con parole che le appartengono come se non le avesse scritte ma le avesse prese da un romanziere esperto. Per la sua speciale visione politica, come se fosse una poesia segreta in un vecchio libro in una biblioteca perduta”. [For showing the images which don’t belong to her as if she filmed them with strong inspiration. For playing with the words which belong to her as if she didn’t write them herself, but instead took them from a master novelist. For its special political view, that reminds us of a secret poem from an old book in a lost library].
Dalla Francia “Noée in the storm” di Mathilde Chavanne: “Perché è un film sospeso tra due mondi, in equilibrio tra luce e oscurità. Un teen-movie vitale e seducente che cambia continuamente pelle, tra riflessi horror ed epifanie musicali”. [Because the film is suspended between two worlds, in balance between light and darkness. A vital and seductive teen-movie that constantly changes its skin, between horror reflections and musical epiphanies].
Menzione speciale per “Stay Awake, Be Ready di Pham Thien An (Vietnam): “Per la forza magnetica dello sguardo, l’uso magistrale del fuoricampo e la potenza espressiva dell’immagine”. [For the magnetic strength of the sight, the masterful use of the offscreen and the expressive power of the image]
Completa il tutto il “Premio del pubblico” al lavoro più apprezzato tra le opere di “Spazio Campania”, che quest’anno assegna anche un riconoscimento in denaro dal valore di Euro 500: “Ponticelli terra buona” degli allievi di Atelier di Cinema del Reale (Napoli), con la supervisione di Bruno Oliviero e Alessandro Rossetto.


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