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Canto Della Terra

7 December | 18.00 | Sala 4

Canto della terra – 16′, color, 4K, 2021

Sound, image, words, voice: Mauro Santini
Produced by: Offsetcamera

A mountain and a border to cross; a journey towards an unknown land, running away from something.
A farewell to a world; a parting from things and loved ones; a song of hope.

Canto della terra is about a period strewn with losses and separations, about unknown things affecting both visual and sound elements. In fact, the film consists of a single (pre-existing) 38-seconds shot, repeated, and progressively expanded, as well as the sound – which comes from the shot itself – which is repeated and altered. Their evolution turns into a narrative about crossing a threshold, about the boundaries between material and immaterial; high and low resolution; representation and abstraction. Words helps define this unknown space, through an imaginary language that stems from languages spoken by exiled peoples, such as Armenian.


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