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Quaranta Cavalli

5 December | 18.00 | Sala 1

Directed by: Luca Ciriello
Starring:Stefano Penzo
Year: 2020
Country: Italy
Running Time: 10’
Produced by: ZaLab, Lunia Film
Plot: The summer raids of a group of children from Chioggia, their dreams on the water and their expectations. Stefanin, the protagonist, is a handyman, a small man who at 16 repairs engines and goes fishing for clams. During the summer evenings, to have fun, he goes around with all his friends on small boats with 40 horsepower engines, loud reggaeton music and decorative LED lights. Sometimes they go to the lagoon to court the girls waiting for them on the quay, other times they make a bridge of boats in the middle of the lagoon and bet on who will fish the most the following day. A world made of illusions, irony and energy, but also of dreams and hopes for one’s future.


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