Tell us about your artistic path.
I am a self-taught filmmaker. I’m not a cinephile. I’m interested in architecture and words.
Let’s talk about your work in competition at Laceno d’Oro: how did you start? Where did you find the spark?
Carlo Scarpa’s work is one of the greatest expressions of architecture. Studying it means acquiring a higher level of awareness. The film began during a few trips, without the intent of developing something more. The idea has grown slowly, far from Altivole, when I came across the transcript of the conference held in Madrid in the summer of 1978. Words that helped me understand what “classic” attention to detail mean.
Movies and festivals are finally coming back to theatres. Do you think that, after the last two years, cinema – from production to distribution and access – has inexorably changed?
I think what happened just made an irreversible decline go faster.